All Categories > Training Lisa's Behavior
If you're an AppFolio customer, you can change your Lisa policies in the AppFolio Property Management system under the Lisa Settings tab. Lisa remembers property information to report to prospects. Y…
Updated 5 years ago
Lisa understands normal, plain language about leasing, agents, and properties. You can ask her anything about the product. She will direct you to the right person. She can also remember things for th…
AppFolio (APM) customers can change their Lisa settings within APM or by writing Lisa. Lisa acts like an off-site agent that books your appointments. She can explain any features or requirements for…
If you're an AppFolio customer, write to: All other customer should write to: Make sure to check out the documentation here too. You might be able to f…
Lisa works best when you message her directly. She creates a contact "thread" for each individual that organizes everything she learned about them. The more you chat, the more she gets to know you! C…
Lisa gets her rental prices directly from your property management database every hour. If she has pulled an incorrect price, check your database. You can tell Lisa to sync with your database right a…
Lisa is happy to message you on whatever email or phone number you like. Most clients use their work email. If Lisa is messaging you at the wrong address, just tell her which you prefer and she can u…
You can send feature requests to Lisa and she will pass them on to the development team. Clearly stating your need will help our Product team easily understand how to help. Feel free to state it as:…
During onboarding , your team setup the links for applications. If you need to change that, just message Lisa to let her know. She’ll check-in with a manager, but once she gets approval she’ll update…
Lisa learns from what you tell her and what prospects tell her, but she verifies it with agents and bosses. If prospects ask her something she doesn’t know, she’ll encourage them to visit to see if t…
Bosses can introduce new agents to Lisa. Ask Lisa to add an agent to a property. She will send a form asking their: First name,. Last name,. Email address,. Role (i.e. leasing agent, manager, etc.),…
Lisa gets her prices directly from your property management database every hour. She quotes the lowest price for the unit types available based on your showing policy. Unit types are: studio , 1br ,…
Properties can have several agents. When a prospect wants to book an appointment, Lisa will see who is available. Lisa distributes appointments to available agents in showing order. She offers the ap…
Lisa thinks that agents know the properties best, but bosses manage agents. Day-to-day she only checks in with bosses about changes requested by agents. These include: Working hours. Corporate policy…
Bosses describe established properties while during the onboarding process. Bosses can also tell Lisa about new properties and the agents assigned to them after her launch. Lisa will ask those agents…
If an agent has a new showing order , is working at a new property, or anything else changes, then Lisa can update that. She’ll check what an agent says with a boss, but if a boss writes directly she…
You can help Lisa learn how to best understand your prospects. Just respond to Lisa's messages and give her some pointers. Normal, natural language works best, but there are a few things to make sure…
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