How Do I Update Property Information with Lisa?

AppFolio (APM) customers can change their Lisa settings within APM or by writing Lisa.

Lisa acts like an off-site agent that books your appointments. She can explain any features or requirements for your property in several ways.

Facts that don’t change often are best because she can quote them and they don’t violate any Fair Housing rules. Examples include:

  • Addresses,
  • Specific restricted breeds of dogs,
  • Work hours,
  • Move-in specials for specific amounts that end on a particular date, or
  • Partner companies who can provide furnished apartments.

If these need to be adjusted, just message Lisa directly to update them.

If you need to update prices and availability, you only need to change them in your property management software. If you don't know how to do this, ask Lisa and she can help!

How To Tell Lisa Facts That Change Often

Property details that change often are hard for Lisa to validate. You may have accessible apartments based on availability or garages on a first-come, first-served basis. Other examples include:

  • First-floor availability,
  • Occasional leasing specials, or
  • Monthly move-in deals.

Natural language is still the best way to talk to Lisa, but be sure to stress that these things are subject to change. “Based on availability,” “first-come, first-served,” or “available until it’s leased” are all good ways to explain. Lisa can tell prospects this and will encourage them to come visit to find out more. But, they’ll often want to confirm before their appointment. So Lisa will often reach out to an agent to check on these details when a prospect insists.

Checking with On-site Specialists

Prospects like it when Lisa can answer their questions directly, but she can refer them to the on-site specialists for complicated issues. Examples can include:

  • Lengthy specific details for qualifications,
  • Arranging unusual leases, or
  • Community events.

Natural language is still the best way to explain these to Lisa, but you have to make sure she understands. You could say “please have prospects speak with an on-site specialist for the specifics” to help Lisa and prospects understand.

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