What Is “Showing Order”?

Properties can have several agents. When a prospect wants to book an appointment, Lisa will see who is available.
Lisa distributes appointments to available agents in showing order. She offers the appointment to the first available agent. If there is more than one available with a 1st showing order, she’ll split the appointments between them.
When an agent DECLINE
s an appointment, Lisa offers the appointment to the next available agent. She follows the showing order. So, other agents with 1st showing orders come next, 2nd comes second and so forth.
If the agent doesn’t reply within six hours, Lisa will also offer it to the next. This way, at least one of the available agents will be able to ACCEPT
the appointment.
For example:
1st Alice, Agent
1st Bob, Agent
2nd Cathy, Asst.-Manager
3rd David, Manager
Make sure to DECLINE
appointments that you cannot make and BLOCK
your calendar when you’ll be away. Lisa will still send in prospects if she thinks you’re available and on site.