Booking Appointments for Agents

While Lisa schedules appointments for prospects, agents need to confirm they can attend the appointment. Agents see both:

  • Appointments accepted by the prospect
  • Appointments confirmed by the prospect

Lisa first messages agents after a prospect accepts an appointment. Below, you'll find a simple example conversation:

Prospects See

Agents See

Are you interested in a 1br, 2br, or 3br?

Could you come in tomorrow at 3:30pm?

Would Wed at 4 work better?

Great! I have you confirmed. I'll send you a message three hours before your appointment to remind you.

Calendar invite sent to first available agent in showing order, "Alice."

One last thing, we have these qualifications ... is that okay with you?

Great! Thanks for confirming

ACCEPTED by agent Alice

Hi, just to confirm, you're coming to your showing today at ... ?

Great! Our agent Alice will be there to show you around.

Prospect CONFIRMED on calendar invite

Prospect meets agent at appointment

Prospect meets agent at appointment

Hi! How'd it go? Here's the link to apply ...

FEEDBACK emailed to team in Evening Feedback report

Heads up: these messages are just examples. Messages vary a little across clients and properties. Lisa tweaks her language to get even more showings booked.

Lisa sticks to the general pattern above, but there are a few places it may change:

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