What Can Lisa Do? What Operational Changes Need to be Made?

Lisa is great at a lot of things.  She respond to prospects, follows-up, schedules appointments, and answers questions.  

However, she’ll rely on you and your teams for some critical tasks. 

  • She works to get leads into an appointment.  But, the on-site team shows them around and reviews applications.
  • She reports on marketing sources and customer satisfaction.  But, it’s up to your team to post enough marketing to get leads interested.
  • She will schedule appointments for agents.  But, the agents have to make a schedule and come to appointments.

Put simply: Lisa brings more qualified prospects to visit your community.  Here’s how to help Lisa out:

  • Staff should no longer handle or follow-up on guest cards and leads from Internet Listing Services (ILSs).  Lisa is doing that now. Staff still need to handle walk-ins. 
  • Staff should no longer use PM software to track upcoming appointments. They need to use their calendar for that.
  • Staff should update Lisa when policies change.  She’ll remember the update.

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