Setting Up Special Appointments with Prospects

While Lisa wants to help schedule appointments for you, sometimes you need to schedule a special appointment. The easiest way to do this is to get the prospect's:

  • Name,
  • Phone number, and
  • Email address.

Then tell Lisa you've made a special appointment. She will add it to your calendar and make sure to remind the prospect in advance. Lisa will also help them if they need to reschedule.

  1. Get the prospect's name, phone, and email.
  2. Tell Lisa and she'll put it on the calendar.

Very Special Appointments

Some appointments are very special. Suppose you need to meet with one prospect for twice the normal amount of time. Suppose you want to give them extra-special one-on-one attention. Since Lisa only knows about normal appointments, it's best to treat this very special appointment as a block. Put a calendar block up for the time that you'll be busy and DECLINE the other appointments that conflict.

Lisa won't question your decision. Deciding to give someone extra-special attention is between you and your boss.

  1. Block the calendar for the very special appointment.
  2. DECLINE any conflicting appointments.

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