Adjusting .csv Reports to Particular Date Ranges

Each of the agents.csv, prospects.csv and showings.csv reports everything that’s ever happened.  Modify the internet address Lisa gives you to restrict it to any particular period.

Make sure you have the most up-to-date .csv files first. Just ask Lisa for API docs and she’ll help.

The message she sends in API docs lists internet addresses for sample date ranges. Highlight and copy one that is closest to what you want.  Paste it into your favorite editor: Microsoft Word will work fine, but so will Notepad or TextEdit.

  1. Copy from Lisa’s message and paste into your editing program.
  2. Change startDate and endDate, but leave the rest alone.
  3. Copy the modified internet address.
  4. Paste it into your web browser and the file will download from the internet to your computer.

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