Overview of Reporting

Lisa keeps track of prospects, appointments, agents, and marketing sources.  Based on her notes, she composes four kinds of reports:

Depending on your setup, these reports can go to anyone managing your property. Usually AGENTs, BOSSs, and INVESTORs get these automatically.

Each night, Lisa writes a summary of every interaction that she had that day. The Friday Funnel Report gives a summary of these interactions in tables.  These tables use comma-separated values (CSV) that any spreadsheet program can open:

  • agents.csv describes agent performance,
  • prospects.csv lists all interactions with prospects,
  • showings.csv lists all appointments,
  • marketing_tracking.csv lists all the ways prospects can get in touch, and
  • settings.csv lists your Lisa settings.
  • feedback,csv lists all post-showing reviews from prospects

Lisa updates each of these reports nightly. You can access them using the links provided at the bottom of Friday Funnel. If you need these reports before Friday, just ask Lisa:

Hey Lisa, can I get a copy of my API docs?

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