How Do I Setup an Agent to Cover Multiple Properties?

Sometimes agents cover more than one property.  Lisa needs to know where they’ll be so she can schedule appointments for them.

  • If agents have distinct hours at multiple properties during the week, you can set their on-site hours at each property.  Lisa knows that they’ll be at the property during their scheduled hours. So, she can make appointments.
  • If they float between properties, but have a main property, it’s best to set their hours as off-site.  They may not be at the property when a prospect wants an appointment.
  • If they travel to different properties, then they’re an off-site agent with off-site hours.

Lisa can handle a combination of on-site and off-site hours, but they cannot overlap.  She expects agents to be at their desks during on-site hours.

On-site hours for one agent cannot overlap since no one can be in more than one place at a time.

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