What Are Name-Based Email Addresses?  Why Can’t Lisa Use Role-Based Emails?

Lisa relies on emails to communicate with your agents and managers. So, email addresses need to be for particular individuals. Name-based email addresses link feedback and scheduling to the right person. Lisa also learns how to talk to particular people.

Each agent and manager should have their own name-based email address. For example: alice.anderson@property.com.

Role-based emails, such as leasingoffice@property.com don’t work well:

  • It’s uncertain who handles an appointment
  • This results in a lower reply rate to appointment invites
  • Many agents might accept the same appointment
  • Role-based emails often cause synchronization errors
  • They make it impossible to match showings events in PM software with your calendar
  • They result in inaccurate information in the calendar
  • Feedback doesn’t go to the right person
  • A shared account is less secure

Tips for Migrating to Name-Based Emails

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