Where Does Lisa Get Her Availability?

Lisa gets availability every hour from your property management database.  She finds the soonest availability for each unit type: studio, 1br, 2br, etc. She looks at whole single-family residences (SFRs).

When setting up an appointment, she says things like:

Earliest move-in is Jul 14.

She considers two sources for move-in availability:

  • She looks at when each unit is “made ready” in your property management database, and
  • She looks at when each unit is marked “available” in your database.

She considers availability based on the “made ready” or “available” date.  That is, if a unit is made ready, but not available until next month, she reports it available for move-in next month.

For properties that are not preleasing:

  • If the move-in is further than ninety (90) later, she won't schedule appointments. She will not report it as available for move-in to prospects.

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